May 30, 2023
RICE: How to Deal with Strains and Sprains
RICE: The How to of Sprains and Strains
Sprains are a prevalent type of injury that can affect anyone, from athletes to everyday individuals. Whether it's a twisted ankle during a sports activity or a misstep on uneven ground, sprains can cause pain and discomfort, temporarily limiting our mobility. Understanding what sprains ar
May 23, 2023
Should I Be Taking A Collagen Supplement?
Should I Be Taking a Collagen Supplement?
Collagen supplements are widely marketed as a way to improve skin elasticity, promote joint health, and support overall well-being. These supplements contain a concentrated form of collagen, a protein found in our bodies that helps maintain the strength and structure of nearly all conn
Oct 21, 2022
The Role of Occupational Therapy in Pain Management
Occupational Therapy is one of the lesser understood roles of the Allied Healthcommunity. There is a general understanding of what physiotherapists andpsychologists do to help those in need, but when it comes to occupationaltherapy, unless there has been past experience with one, people are often inthe dark. It is not surprising then, that there is little understandingof the role of occupational therapy in the oft misunderstood area of persistentpain. Let me attempt to demystify it for you.Wha
Oct 21, 2022
Top Tips to Navigate your Pain Journey
Who of us, when confronted with the onset of a new pain experience, would think, “this is going to turn into persistent pain defining my life in years to come?” In my experience, not many. Persistent pain catches us all by surprise.One of the most common complaints raised by those impacted by persistent pain is that their journey to gaining a diagnosis of persistent pain therefore being directed to the appropriate treatment providers is long, arduous, and convoluted. Many people struggle to f