
Magnoplasm 100g

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Magnoplasm paste is an effective initial treatment for those suffering from boils, carbuncles and whitlows.

How it works

Containing glycerol and magnesium sulphate, Magnoplasm Paste draws water out of the inflamed area and assists the healing process.

How to use

Spread paste (about 5mm thick) on the inflamed areas and cover with a non-adhesive dressing. Change the dressing after 12-24 hours and repeat if necessary. Magnoplasm Paste can be applied cold, straight from the jar or warmed to aid spreading.

How to warm

If necessary to warm the product, first warm a glass jar/cup, then add the required amount of Magnoplasm directly into the container. The warmth of the container should help soften the Magnoplasm and make it easier to apply. Alternatively, warm gently in your hand or immerse the jar in warm water making sure the water level is a little below the cap (to prevent water entering the jar). Do not use a microwave to heat Magnoplasm as products tend to deteriorate at higher temperatures and scalding can occur.

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